The Thing About English

The Thing About English

Remember, the gross English language was pushed onto the world to people who are not all wired the same way to speak a language even the originators quibble over.

Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid

Bonus: 33 Times People Expressed Their Utter Frustration While Trying To Learn The English Language.

When I did my TEFL course we created our own language to show that we can communicate without words and to remember that it’s more important to get the point.

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English with Jay – Jay Fujiwara
Remember a lot of people still have undiagnosed dyslexia and have grown up being made to feel like they are ignorant or uneducated.

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Avoiding to being like this twat… theiy’re so annoyance!

Why English is so Hard to Learn – Marlene Davis
English is Stupid – Prove me Wrong by Tutweezy

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