Vijnana Bhairava Tantra – Sanskrit text with English translation

Vijnana Bhairava Tantra – Sanskrit text with English translation

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These are key texts of the Trika school of Kashmir Shaivism. It’s put as a conversation between the god Shiva and his consort Devi/Shakti. He shares about one hundred and twelve ways whereby the mind (is rendered still) without any surge of thought, knowing which people
become wise. From breath awareness, focus on body centres, non-dual awareness, chants, imagination and visualization and contemplation through each of the senses.

How most of these are shared in one or two sentences which doesn’t help much since I’ve been going through Osho’s Book of Secrets to help me and he helps break each one down really well.

– 162 shlokas in conversation between Parvati and Shiva.
– 112 meditations or techniques (tantras) which talks about using our sexual natures also and all these need to be handled properly and under correct guidance.
– The texts contain:
9 techniques around the breath.
11 around the utterance of syllables and sounds.
22 work with desire and feelings.
12 work on focus and concentration.
73 on relaxation.
7 on looking and sight.
10 on the visualization of light.
5 on sudden cessation of activities.
12 on all pervasive nature of the universe.
11 on rational thought and logic.
7 on uniting the consciousness.
3 on the emptiness or void of the universe.

Other notes:
– Constantly forcing steady awareness and practice to make it stronger.
– Meditating on hollow and empty, quite a few meditations are on this theme.
– The breath is exhaled with the sound ‘Ha’ and inhaled again with the sound ‘Sa’. Thus the individual always repeats this particular mantra Hamsa. (This verse is found only in some versions of Vijnana Bhairava; hence it is given as 155b)

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