The Simplest and Most Credible Formula to Lose Weight & Other Info On Weight Loss

The Simplest and Most Credible Formula to Lose Weight & Other Info On Weight Loss

First from the man who cheated death a number of times – Stephen Hawking

At the moment, humanity faces a major challenge and millions of lives are in danger. As a cosmologist, I see the world as a whole and I am here to address one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.

Today too many people die from complications related to overweight and obesity. We eat too much and move too little.

Fortunately the solution is simple – More physical activity and change in diet.

It’s not rocket science.

And for what it’s worth, how being sedentary has become a health problem, is beyond my understanding.

(Paras note: I learnt from Art of Living that your stomach is the size of your heaped open palm. I also remember Osama talking about how he stays alert and sharp by only eating once a day or very little – not the best example, I know. Basically nearly everyone I see eats too much and then looks at me like I’m the one not eating the right amount. Please look into fasting for more info)

When the doctors undertook to save Rockefeller’s life, they gave him three rules which he observed, to the letter, for the rest of his life. Here they are :
– Avoid worry. Never worry about anything, under any kind of circumstances.
– Relax, and take plenty of mild exercises in the open air.
– Watch your diet. Always stop eating while you are still a little hungry.

Now from the worlds strongest pro-bodybuilder – Stan Efferding

– Genetics comes first so play your cards accordingly.

– Anyone who sticks to a diet loses weight but then gains it back when they stop the diet. So it shouldn’t be a diet but a lifetime choice of eating.

– Simple formula – move more, eat less.

– Create a calorie deficit by eating less or doing more.

– The best diet is the one you’ll follow. Don’t look at a diet as temporary!

– All good diets also recommend some exercise.

– Find a sustainable where the food is still good to eat, it’s easy to make and prep meals.

– Prepping meals is important and using apps to keep you on your track is a good idea.

– Keeping weight off is the challenge.

– People can eat at McDonalds and still lose weight. Look at the fatty Amish diet of bacon, ham, eggs, raw milk, lard, pancakes etc for over 300 years who have only 4% obesity. They sit less and move more.

– 10 minute walks everyday are better than long ass walks.

– Meal prep is very important as you’ve already cooked the right meals and portions so you don’t make bad choices.

– You can reduce calories to a 1/3 by reducing a 12 inch place to a 8 inch one.

– Just like diet, the best exercise is the one you’ll do.

– For women who don’t like gaining muscle, think about if you want to be fat and flabby or have a good tone.

Bonus: Joe Rogan – Why Obese People Can’t Lose Weight

Bonus: Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Overcoming Resistance to Diet and Exercise

Podcast #475: How to Lose Weight, and Keep It Off Forever
– You can even eat junk food as long as you are not overheating and you will still be healthy. Your blood markers will improve but if you overeat the extra fat releases all kinds of other bad things for your body.
– And exercising or any kind of physical activity will trigger your sensitivity do you know how much to eat.
– Jumping from one diet to another or starting and stopping them (Yo-yo dieting) tells your body that the to collect as much fat and resources as possible for the next starvation (diet).
– Doing different diets too much reduces the bodies metabolic rate. The way best way would be to diet towards a certain amount of weight loss and then stick to that maintenance diet and don’t go too far and don’t return back to your old habits. Once you are comfortable with that you can set a new target for weight loss.

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