All CBT Cognitive Therapy Techniques, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Trauma, Psychosis with Summary

All CBT Cognitive Therapy Techniques, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Trauma, Psychosis with Summary

– Write 3 good things that happened and some detail about it.

– Try put words to the thought that’s really bothering you.

– Good and bad Column and put more in the positive column.

– Look for positives in the bad things that happened.

– Gradual exposure very little by little.

– NLP Swish pattern: take image of what you’re scared of and zoom it in and out really fast for a few times. 20:00

– Look into EFT tapping. My cousin used it a lot. Reduces pain and cut down phobias. Tapping while being very specific about what’s bothering your as the wording is important.

– Write down everything that happened in as much detail with the feelings you had and in order so you can do this on the computer. Talk to as many people as you can which people usually do. The more you repeat it the more you’re sharing the burden and the more your brain processes it. May sound simple but very effective. If hand writing leave lines between noted so you can add more.

– Use EFT.

– Write in one column what you feel. Eg I’m a little shit. Write in the second column all the arguments why you are not.

– Expose your self to the behaviour and try reduce the behaviour.

– Remember the intrusive thoughts are usually exactly the opposite of what you want to do or are.

– NLP swish technique.

– With intrusive thoughts just keep arguing with that voice and you’ll get better at negating them.

– With delusions see what you can accept what the person is saying and try to find valid arguments to see if you can negate or prove your point.

– With voices loudly and adamantly say what you want to negate the voice. Speak over it or right after.

Meta cognitive therapy:
– If your can’t stop thinking of the pink elephant try to stop thinking about what you want to think about. I want to think about how strong I am so I try to stop thinking about how strong I am.

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