

MY JOURNAL (04th June – 10th June)
04/06/09 Thursday – Man the 230 but sucked. It smelled of farts (no good if it aint ones own right)… the stop announcements were loud and coz it had come only minutes after the one before it had to pause at stops and announce it was doing so to regulate intervals! Good thing was it was empty up top so I got to listen to Dianetics… I’m studying Scientology now ;o) The 29 bus was better… so many kids and one kept getting her foot in my pocket. Link with Doc, Sej and Segi at their stalls in Camden. Fish joins us, Aarti joins us. Good times, pretty dry though and the calzone was not all that. The girl in the shops was playing good music Spanish and Bollywood. Some Shiva tune too. Find out one of my ear holes is still open… yay? Tasha lead me to my room.

05/06/09 Friday – Harrow. Shopping. Link with Fish and Sej. Attic stuff at Sej’s. Fish heads to city. We head to pick up pizza and meet with Jayshree and crew. They’re late so Sej and I start on the pizzas. Later we had to pick Fish from the station and it was so funny coz we’re parked on the side and see Fish come out the station without stopping and make a B-line across the road. Very Rambo-esque with a red band on his head. Pick Zainab, pick Bushy, supplies. Over to Action’s. Let the chonga begin! Topics man! Lalji and Sej join us. What a great session man. Def gonna give Bushy’s chaos theory a go. Reminds me of my first quotes on Hi5. I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it – Audrey Hepburn

06/06/09 Saturday – Finish at 6am. Car towing to Segi’s with Fish and Sej. Bollywood football movie. Drop Fishes car. Finish movie. Fall asleep on busses home. More sleep. Wake at 9pm. Genie hooks me up to knock me out again lol (while watching Bill Bailey).

07/06/09 Sunday – Happy Emancipation Mathe. Plan: Day of silence and fast… went easier than expected. Met the Canary Wharf Kriya crew. Did a short Kriya, yoga and some past, present and future bucket meditation. Full moon meditation at home. Another change: Gotta stop holding on, let Mathe be and do me.

08/06/09 Monday – Kasuku. Ride Alans motorbike/scooter. Might get me one. Find Rachel and Charlie! Tasha’s in the shelf again so bring her up. Man she got some kinda cooties coz I was itching all night long so had to get her off my bed with chicken bones and then out my room. And boy did she chew those ends. Sleep at 6am!

09/06/09 Tuesday – Start late at Kasuku. Still itching a bit. Stock. On the bus home a couple were talking really loud behind me but I was so into my reading and music was so loud I didn’t realize it was in Swahili till the song ended. Talk to this couple. Was so happy to hear my Swa has not deteriorated too badly. Genie’s mouth is moving and sounds are coming out but I’m too tired to hear her praising my personas ;o). Oh and Tasha’s not allowed upstairs anymore coz when I’m not home she makes noise and disturbs Genie. Facebook status: TASHA!!!! I let her in my room! I let her in my bed! Spent many nights awake listening to her purr on and on and on. And now I walk in the house to find her on Gordon’s lap! The slapper! (thought I’d throw in a tantrum one last time)

10/06/09 Wednesday – Kasuku. Stock mostly. New obsession: The Cookie’s Chicken Tikka panini for brekkie and sprinkled donut. Harmonica practice.

Closing bits:
– Big up to Mehul coz he made me do this SWOT and SMART analysis and in that my main wish was to share others art/skills with the world and a few weeks back I realized that’s what Universals been doing.
– In case I don’t review them… Viv hooked me up with some Banksy ebooks and this guys amazing at graffiti and life stories and messages etc.
– While watching Zeitgeist or End Game there was a bit on the Venus project and after further research I saw Jacque Fresco’s movie Future by Design where he’s kinda like reconstructed the world in a more efficient, cost effective and nature friendly way which is called the Venus project so google that if interested. Called the modern Einstein. He appeared on one of the first Larry King interviews where Larry himself is oh so so young!
– Part of me still has so much to say. Part of me wants this over and done with already!

So this is it, it’s been a good ride folks. Please keep reading the other stuff and I’ll be replacing this with thoughts, reflections and funny stories now and then (just so the juice and stirring things up factors are still there). I’m also doing this coz it was a way to escape repetition and ‘communication’ so whenever folks ask about my life/what I’ve been up to it was ‘I’ll send you the link/mail’ lol. But now my next mission is to work on touching base personally… hope it works coz I still don’t like talking on the phone. Anyway before I get too sentimental. Jai Gurudev (praise to the bigger mind/in you)

Bow and Curtsy

I’m turning pages once again,
It’s time to make this story end.

Time to close the book to this story,
I don’t want to read it no more,
Time to close the book to this story,
Another writer will come along, I’m sure.
Time To End The Story – Az Yet

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