Sample That!

Sample That!

Sample That!

Get a taste of everything… your sub-conscience does not recognize good and bad/right or wrong. But as humans we see a killing as bad and in a way we need that just like we need to feel pain/fear to warn us of danger. We just need a bit of it, we don’t have to be full of fear or pain right. Ok it’s not coming out how I imagined. Another angle… take animals for instance… do they know good and bad? They just know if they hear a certain noise or see a certain figure… RUN. Certain smells make them eat that smelly thing. Ok this bit’s not making sense to me ethier… I have a point so I’ll come to this good and bad thing later. Back to sampling things… see we’ve been given this gift… speaking of animals… animals are not going to say I’m bored of critters and want to eat something sweet instead, cold and frozen and on a stick. Wildebeest can’t say screw migration, we’re gonna form teams, get some tumbleweed and kick it around for 90 minutes.

We get to! So I suggest you ask yourself, what are those few things I’ve always wanted to know about and what do I need to do to check it off my list. Be it cheap thrills or big time objectives. Don’t let age, race, gender, location and especially work come in the way. Folks tie themselves down to too much and end up boxed in. I’ve seen folks who love mixing and being active turned into someone bitter stuck in a room mostly. It’s mostly in the head and that where you start. If you can’t do the stuff you want to do… picture it… more and more. But that’s sampling stuff you want to sample… there’s also sampling stuff that come by you all the time. It’s not your interest but you check it out… in my case it’s sports and cars… couldn’t care less but my boys are into it so I’ll join em for rallies or watch/play footie… at least on the play station lol. Some of my peeps don’t believe in AOL and my kinda stuff but they’re open enough to sample it.

One thing I’d like to see more of is folks hanging out with a diversity of ages. Genders and races is already happening but ages… you go in with an open mind, don’t judge remember at one point we were there or you will be there so knowing what’s coming up and remembering what it was like is such an important awareness. I was chilling with some kids at a festival and at one point they were like lets go mug and beat people… but they didn’t they were just cracking jokes about it… the folks that heard it looked at me like they’re no good and I’m guilty by association. The kids were just ‘shooting the shit’, as we grow up we forget how fun and liberating it is to be stupid… it gets you out of that robot thinking. The same kids teen sister asked why I’m chilling with kids and I told her I chill with everyone… so she’s like come to the teen tent.

Next night I chilled at the teen tent where they’re even more stupid… I loved how thick I was at that age but I didn’t join them coz I’ve been there and…? Thats right, done it! You get to see these guys finding themselves… what their beliefs are… how much they’re going to conform to what their peers approve of and what not. The leader who was so deep… we ended up talking all this philosophy and shlack… till at one point he engaged a group of adults and he’s doing most of the talking. My recent experience was a 17 year old helped me over a hurdle I’d been struggling with for over 5 years! The same for adults but because the ‘been there done that’ approach to elders is to respect them and listen to them and all that… I’ve gone the opposite way and I’ll get to that in another topic.

Again my spiritual guru says we don’t think twice when we’re sampling music and food from the world but we tighten up when it comes to religions and beliefs. It’s all pretty much the same anyway so what’s this tightness about? Sample it. And for your sake, as you get older try not to place/generalize/label yourself. Even if you do… know that you’re versatile. For some reason age seems to tighten folks. Even these ‘classy’ folks… I’m too classy to do, say and think that way. Your loss. Think about it… if Thomas Edison didn’t sample so many filaments we’d not have a the light bulb. So many people of history and achievement who risked being called freaks because they did not follow convention… SCRATCH CONVENTION! It has it’s place but when it limits you… squash it. Some procedures don’t even make sense. These labels are the reason why we have all this friction everywhere… folks are so stuck to their labels they not only box themselves but also look down upon those out of the box.

I get it… there’s security in knowing who you are and what your role is. There is risk of being given the wrong label if you do something different in front of the wrong person. Beware that way… in my case I don’t really give a damn… e.g. just bleaching my hair and experimenting with clothes earned me labels like junkie and gay… but help me get into modeling and filming too where the world is sooooo diverse… you can’t help but sample that. It’s shoved in your face! And all it did is stretch my understanding and tolerance towards folks from all walks of life. I also get that you’d rather feel that closeness with your main circle but it’s baffling… I know folks that leave the boxed thinking of small communities to study in Universities overseas where they’re forced into a world full of sampling things. But after mixing with all these cultures and all that friendliness with people… they go back and box themselves back in. Really? I mean you and your crew have both tasted different fruits but you’d rather watch each other in your lil box eating sour grapes? Come on now! Bring something different to the table and you wont end up spending your time finding ways to diss each other for entertainment.

I’ve passed all this sampling and for me it’s more of the gender thing. Because I’m a guy I can’t do this and that coz it’s girly? Scratch that… I wanna knit I knit! Not very well but hey lol. If I prefer a girls perfume to the one I have on I’ll wear it… first of all who the hell decides it’s going to be only for women? Second of all are you such a robot you’re gonna follow orders blindly instead of going for what makes you happy? It’s all made up according to peoples whims. And it just limits you man!

Sorry part of this was meant to be in another thought but hey when these fingers start walking… you get the point right?

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