Bhavna’s Car and Picking Yadhav Up

Bhavna’s Car and Picking Yadhav Up

Just remember Yadhav is the giant on the left

So a couple of years back I was taking the bus from Armadale back home and I was just looking out of the window at different houses. I noticed a car that looked like Bhavna’s. Same make, colour and plate number. I thought she was at work… was she lying to me… was she cheating on me… how can I go back to find out? Remember this was happening during one of the worst times of my life and I was already going through anxiety attacks every other day or more.

So after worrying about it too much I thought I’d let it go as I had much bigger fish to fry at that time. Even though I did think that I still looking at that house every time I passed it and never noticed the same car again. Was I going crazy?

Well couple of years passed and Bhavna’s brother Yadhav came to stay with us in Byford while he did his uni in Joondalup. This meant we’d pick him up from the station when he came back. Also he’s very big and when I mean very big I mean he is huge! Like his height and width match the fridge. Like he eats 3 times more than me! Keep that in mind.

Now we’re on our way to pick him up and just as we’re about to turn into the station we see him hurriedly entering a different car. IT WAS THE CAR! Only one number was different in that car to Bhavna’s. I don’t know what I laugh at more, the relief of finally seeing that car again or how scary it must have been to the lady in front of us. This huge guy just running into her car. She looked like a white lady but I don’t think she was white before lol. What made it funnier was that Yadhav was trying to rush so that he doesn’t make the car behind her (which was us) wait.

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