Yoga Vasistha Talk by Sukhiji

Yoga Vasistha Talk by Sukhiji

Videos below the summary

We believe that some are on the path and some are not. Up and down. We have this idea that enlightened should not be moved and un-touched by the happenings of the world.

Everybody is affected! It’s not how much you can endure, it’s how fast you can pick yourself up.

History of Ram and stories related.

Devata really means the one who really gives. Everything is divinity but that which gives is devata. A tree gives fruit is devata. So what is that which gives in you? It’s your actions of the past that have brought you here. So the angels you see in temples are really the devata in you.

Quality of mind dictates the quality of actions. So your vasanas (behavioural tendency or karmic imprint) can be on the side or against nature. Your desires become your karma.

To be a good master or parent you can’t always be nice and pampering. You have to pick the stick to polish where the light should shine through.

The moment you are in is your present from karma.

Knowledge not used is called stupidity. Knowledge used is wisdom. Applied knowledge what matters, unapplied knowledge is nothing.

A comet leave millions of kilometres of proof that it was there. Same is our past karma. So your past karma has brought you to the devata you are now. Devata is an angel but there is not good or bad angel. Right or wrong it’s only relative.

The 4 Door Keepers to Knowledge/Wisdom
– Self Effort/Self Discipline – Kshama (sha – space, ma – me) – The space in me. Anything we take on ourselves is easy for us to do while it takes more effort if we do it for someone else or if they make us do it. If you have the ability to discipline the space in you anything can be purified. Self discipline is your greatest happiness. You feel something different from inside when you do something for yourself.
– Self-enquiry – Dama – Meditation is the same. Consciously thinking will help you start seeing the truth of things. More curiosity, less judgement. It is the highest knowledge.
– Contentment – A discontented mind cannot follow or be in sync with nature. The one who doesn’t get too happy will not go too opposite. That is always in you cannot be given or taken. Doesn’t mean you don’t do anything. A feverish mind vs. a contented mind will do the same thing with different qualities. In every action we are seeking some kind of fruit. The greatest fruit is contentment.
– Sangha – True company, where you can talk freely. Your associations are purely because of you. It’s your responsibility and choice. Spend time in knowledge and wisdom. The best companion in your life is sangha.

Everything has it’s own dharma (law/nature). The corrective actions with our dharma is called deva tattva. There are no angles apart from your actions. You can pray to outward things but you bear your own fruit.

There are no good or bad desires. You are hungry you desire for food. Every action is taken to be free from the desires. After you fulfil the desire you are free, you are back to the self. So freedom is being in the self.

First surrender has to happen. Then only can you be in gratitude. And gratitude is such a big blessing that will transform your life.

When you feel something is too big for you it’s tendency to seek for help from something outside us.

You can do and so much more done in subtle universe than in the physical universe.

The whole creation is nothing but one vibration. The seer, the seen and the scenery. When you realise this only the infinite consciousness exists.

That which is permanent is what is real.

Every creature is reacting to everything. An animal couldn’t eat the higher reaching fruit so it evolved into a giraffe. Everything is changing. It’s all leela (a play). You can’t capture love, like a wave loving another wave when it’s just all part of the ocean.

Instead of reminding of ourselves of all the incomplete things in our life, we much remind ourselves that ‘I am’. Keep reminding yourself to come back to self.

Only from infinite can you get infinite. Realise you are complete.

There will never be everlasting peace, never has there been a time there was no war. If you had the full faculties of hearing you’d hear that everything in nature is at war. One tall tree was because of the loss of other trees.

Finally after understanding all this the books last chapter says now drop the book too.

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